Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Elvis Sighting Bulletin Board - worth a visit!

That's right - you have to ask yourself the question - are they just an Elvis impersonator or is it the King himself impersonating himself? Check out this bulletin board - I've just included the latest comment which is amusing..

Ron Johnstone, San Francisco says:

.. "I find it odd, that all of us who've seen The King never have our cameras with us. Alas, I'd left mine at home. Elvis has a bouffant."

Aurora - competition for best Elvis impersonator

Aurora police meetings shuttered to the media -

Included in this story is the following piece about another Elvis impersonator competition:

-The Aurora Singers will present a show about Elvis' Greatest Hits at 7:30 p.m. May 5 and 2 p.m. May 6 at South Middle School, 12310 E. Parkview Drive. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. Hits will include Blue Suede Shoes, Love Me Tender and many more. There will also be a competition of Elvis impersonators, the best of which will receive a $100 prize. Come on out to hear all of your favorite classics and see the best Elvis impersonators Denver has to offer. For more information, call 303-343-3377.

Aurora police meetings shuttered to the media, CO - 2 hours ago
There will also be a competition of Elvis impersonators, the best of which will receive a $100 prize. Come on out to hear all of your favorite classics and ...

Yahoo answers the question - who was the first Elvis impersonator?

Found this very interesting question from Ask Yahoo that I wanted to share with you. This guy didn't sing or play the guitar but that didn't matter - he looked so much like Elvis!

Here's a snippet "Moving on to less "authorized" sources, Cybercloud claims a Canadian teen by the name of .."

click into the link up top to read all about it..

Thanks Yahoo

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