Wednesday, February 4, 2009

King’s court: Women bond over love of ETAs (Elvis Tribute Artists) : Winona Daily News

"Marilee Barrientos, 53, her sister Cheri Schendel, 50, their cousin Carol Dennis, 67, and Cheri’s 16-year-old daughter, Maia, are devoted Elvis fans and fervent followers of ETAs — their term for Elvis Tribute Artists."

More snippets..

"An ETA should also interact with his audience, autograph pictures and give away scarves or flowers. They prefer real sideburns and jumpsuits that don’t look like a cheap Halloween costume. Most importantly, he should be able to sing. And not think he’s Elvis.

“We realize they’re paying tribute,” Cheri said. “There’s no fantasy that Elvis is still alive.”
King’s court: Women bond over love of ETAs (Elvis Tribute Artists) : Winona Daily News
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